Monday, September 18, 2006


Be prepared for what could (and will) happen eventually- Orangeburg SC


Emergencies are never planned, but can happen in a heartbeat. Ever had a blackout at your home...and as you waited for the power to come back on, started to wonder what would happen if the minutes turned into hours or days? Would you and your family be prepared? The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to make sure you are, and has identified September as National Preparedness Month. An emergency situation could be an earthquake, hurricane, potential terrorist threat, or even just that blackout.

Hopefully you will never be faced with an emergency situation of your own, but if you are, having an emergency kit will help ensure that you and your loved ones will have the bare necessities such as food, water, and items to keep you warm. And determining all the right items for each member of your family, pets, and those with special needs could normally be a very grueling process. But the DHS has made this process very simple.

To help you get started preparing your emergency kit, The Department of Homeland Security has developed a user friendly website that allows you to download and print all of the items that you will need to gather. Just hit this link: DHS Emergency Kit, and you can get a quick list of the basics, such as water, food, radio, flashlight and batteries - including a printable list of the quantities and types that should be purchased, based on your families needs. There's also valuable information on "Unique Family Needs" which includes items for infants, pets, and those with special needs.

So take a few minutes to visit the site, and forward this article on to your friends, family members, and colleagues...or better yet, prepare a starter kit for them as a gift. When the power snaps off unexpectedly...or worse...don't be caught unprepared.
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