Friday, March 17, 2006


Without being POOR- how to get a government DEAL


The State of South Carolina in an effort to provide affordable housing to all its citizens has established TARGETED COUNTIES for which special financing is available. The South Carolina State Housing Authority is providing special rates (currently 5.12% to 5.40%) along with down-payment assistance from $2000 to $4000 to buyers who fit the scenario(s). This is not a low-income project or a program for only those living at the poverty level. Buyers can earn household incomes of up to $74,000 with a family of three and buy a home up to $200,000 and qualify for these low rates and down payment assistance.
Depending on income and home chosen buyers may receive the down payment assistance and either pay back 1/2 of it or none of it with interest on the unpaid portion being 4% and not accruing any interest for 36 months!
CALL John Kneece today to determine how you may benefit from this program. Many agents in this market are not going to mention this to you for reasons: #1- they don't want to be bothered with the additional work #2- they don't know about the program and did not attend the certification classes #3- the banks they choose to recommend do not want to do these loans because it is not as lucrative for the bank as other loans #4- if it is only about selling you a home and not what may be good for you in the long-term- then they will not know or talk about this.
John Kneece is available to help you get your fair-share of this program. Call him today to set an appointment for the details and how it could improve your life or just call and ask your questions- no obligation.
803-378-5208 8 AM - 6 PM
Does this mean I can buy a home for 5.12% interest and get $4000 cash towards the purchase or what?
yes it does-- obviously they have some rules- but in reality they are very easy to meet- call me if you would like to know more about this program I would love to share this with you as I know other agents are not wanting to be bothered with this program-- it takes more work for the agent- but afterall- you are the one we work for!!
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